Are you ready to make the move from Australia to New Zealand? Perhaps you’re chasing brand-new opportunities, or reuniting with your loved ones! Whatever the logic behind your move, there’s a couple of tips you should know before taking the leap. With the expertise of the Auckland furniture movers at Express Movers, who also specialise in home moves between Australia and NZ, these tips are outlined below.
1. Understanding the Visa requirements
Australians can enter New Zealand as a resident without applying for a visa to live, work or study there in advance.
This is because New Zealand and Australia have a longstanding mutual agreement, where Australians can be granted a residence class visa upon arrival at the border! Still, it’s very important for you to understand the different visa options available if you’d like to bring relatives over, or move with your partner.
Always bring a valid passport to New Zealand, complete the arrival card as truthfully as possible, have proof of your employment and any relevant character checks. For example, Australians with a criminal record may be refused entry by the New Zealand authorities.
2. Budgeting for Furniture Movers
When moving from Australia to New Zealand, it’s only natural that people prioritise a new budget based around the cost of living in their new destination. Such a budget thinks about housing, utilities, groceries, tax and other practicalities. Nevertheless, what people forget to consider is the price of moving their pre-existing furniture and sentimental items across the border.
Some things you just don’t want to leave behind, and you shouldn’t have to. As Auckland furniture movers, we at Express Movers have used our existing expertise to handle all the important logistics involved in making the change from Australia to New Zealand. Investing in our expertise actually makes the process smoother, cheaper and more enjoyable, so it’s certainly worth budgeting for – and all of our customers say the same!
3. Integrate into your local community
You should always move to an area in New Zealand that has a thriving local community! The more a community aligns with your interests and personality, the better your move will turn out. Ideally, there will be local groups and clubs that you’re passionate about, or frequent community events where you can meet your neighbours and develop long-lasting bonds.
Finding a community that you can truly settle into is the best way to learn about the Kiwi way of life! Integrating well is particularly important for new NZ residents with children, who will need to find a suitable school and friends to support their journey abroad.
Contact Express Movers for more information about how we can help you move from Australia to New Zealand, today.