What’s In The Last Packing Box? – Auckland-Wide Removals Tip

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What’s In The Last Packing Box? – Auckland-Wide Removals Tip

At Express Movers we have helped a lot of families, businesses and shops with Auckland wide removals and there is a common human factor across all of them. None of the family members, office staff or shop owners found packing and unpacking delightful. We do offer that service but some people choose to pack so that they can purge items simultaneously.

Whether we’re packing or you’re packing, there is always a need for that ‘last box’ of items that you need access to before your destination property is fully unpacked and operating.

Why Plan A ‘Last Box’ For Your Auckland Move?

Packing takes energy, patience and an AI-type of focus to overcome boredom. The worst thing then is if you need something that is packed under 17 items in a box. You rarely used the ‘thingy’ so why would you suddenly need it?

Moving is not your regular daily routine so rarely used things suddenly might be needed e.g. the couch can’t fit through the doorway unless the door is off and your tools are at the very bottom of a box.

You’ve cleaned the property and packed all the cleaning materials but someone trips and flings their coffee and Kiwi burger all over the place…gnashing of teeth.

So what should you pack?

What To Put In Your Auckland Removals ‘Last Box’

We suggest planning the following items:

Documents – Pack a file in the last box that contains your:

  • Inventory list
  • Removals company contract
  • Rental lease (if relevant)
  • Medicine prescriptions if replenishment is imminent.
  • A blank page for notes.
  • A To-Do list of phone calls and tasks e.g. garden services, cutting extra keys.
  • A list of alarm codes & small details.

Toiletries and meds – Add some pain and stress relieving medication to your toiletries and prescription medicines plus basic first-aid items.

Tools – A hammer, two screwdrivers, some nails, screws, pocket knife, duct tape, box tape, scissors, torch and tape measure will be an ideal moving set.

Connection devices – The chargers of your phone, iPad, laptop, batteries, etc, should be packed. Extension cords and adapter plugs as well.

Bedding – The bedding that you woke up on, a towel and a change of clothing will be very useful. Your pet beds could be in the box or beside it.

Comfort items – Low-sugar snacks and drinks will come in very handy as will toys for children and pets. Have a least a week’s worth of their food transported in the move.

Try and keep the children and pets’ routines.

An absolute minimum amount of utensils and plastic crockery is helpful, plus a can opener and jar/bottle opening device.

Having these items available will add a much-appreciated layer of comfort to your move!

For the best advice, prices and service for Auckland-wide removals, contact our caring team of experts today!

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